Breast Cancer: Tips for Early Detection and Treatment
Interview conducted on World Boston’s Coffee Hour in the segment “Un Minuto de Salud”
In the segment A Minute of Health at the Boston World Coffee Hour, we were joined by Juan Villa Camacho, M.D. from the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia and a specialist in radiology in Boston, Massachusetts, and affiliated with the Massachusetts General Hospital.
We invite you to watch the clip of the interview where Dr. Villa Camacho brings extensive knowledge and experience in the field of breast cancer and enlightens us on early detection and the latest advances in the treatment of breast cancer.
What Are Some Basic Tips to Keep in Mind Regarding Breast Cancer?
JVC: The most important thing in terms of breast cancer is early detection.
And that’s why we have long recommended mammography screening for all women starting at age 40 and mammography screening on an annual basis.
What Are the Recommendations of Organizations Like the American College of Breast Cancer Specialists?
JVC: Based on all the information we’ve had from basically 50 years of mammography.
This is the approach for people who are at average risk for developing breast cancer.
But there are women who are at elevated risk, either because of family history or other factors. And for these people, early detection consists of mammography or imaging, such as breast MRI.
What Should a Woman With a Family History of Cancer Do?
JVC: In that case, the most important thing is to talk to the primary care physician to determine what the risk of developing breast cancer is.
Depending on the risk, they can start screening as early as age 30.
Why Is Early Detection of Breast Cancer so Important?
JVC: Because the treatments are less invasive. In the past many women had to undergo a mastectomy which is removing the breast completely.
With early detection, we can avoid that in many instances and early detection improves the prognosis of the disease.
When We Talk to a Number of People, You Begin to Realize How Many Lives This Kind of Cancer Has Affected in the United States
JVC:. Yes, the statistics are very clear. One in eight women is at risk of developing breast cancer. It’s a very, very important disease.
And Is There Any Information or Data to Say About the Latino Community, Is It More or Less Prone Than Average?
JVC: They are still at average risk.
Generally, there is some information that says that the disease may develop earlier and may be a little more severe.
But it can all be counterbalanced with early detection.
What Are the New Suggestions Regarding the Age to Go for Testing, the Guidelines Can Give a Little Bit of Confusing Information
JVC: The message I want to make very clear is that for all women the recommendation is to start at age 40.
For those who are average risk. If they have family history, talk to their physician to see if they need to start a little earlier.
But the average age at which women should have a mammogram is 40 years old.
What Is the Percentage of Men Getting Breast Cancer as Well?
JVC: It is rare, but it is possible. One percent of breast cancers occur in men.
I Know That Self-Examination Is Also Very Important For Women
JVC: Self-examination is very important; being aware of your body.
Know your body if you notice any differences in your breasts. The most important thing is to go to the doctor immediately.

Important Aspects to Highlight
Mammograms are a vital tool for detecting breast cancer in its early stages, even before symptoms occur.
This non-invasive procedure plays an important role in increasing the chances of successful treatment outcomes.
Remember, early detection saves lives, so schedule your mammogram today and encourage your loved ones to do the same.
The American College of Radiology (ACR) recommends regular mammograms for women as part of breast cancer screening.
Here are your general guidelines:
- Average risk: women at average risk should begin mammograms at age 40 and continue with annual screenings.
- High risk: such as those with a family history of breast cancer or genetic mutations, should consult their physicians to discuss personalized screening plans.
It is important to keep in mind that these guidelines may vary depending on individual risk factors.
For this reason, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.
Some Recommendations
Consult with a Health Care Professional:
Schedule an appointment with a health care professional who specializes in cancer risk assessment.
They can evaluate family history, assess individual risk factors and provide personalized recommendations.
Genetic Testing:
In some cases, genetic testing may be suggested to identify specific genetic mutations associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
This may help determine appropriate screening strategies or preventive measures.
Increased Surveillance:
Depending on the level of risk, the health care professional may recommend more frequent mammograms, breast MRIs or other imaging tests.
This is with the goal of detecting possible abnormalities at an early stage.
Lifestyle Modifications:
The following can contribute to overall wellness and potentially reduce breast cancer risk:
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle,
- Exercising regularly,
- Maintaining a healthy weight,
- Limiting alcohol consumption,
- Avoiding smoking.
Each individual’s situation is unique and the guidance provided by healthcare professionals is tailored to the specific circumstances.
Early Detection of Breast Cancer Is Crucial for Several Reasons:
Better treatment options: allows for a wider range of treatment options, helps prevent the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.
Early stage breast cancer is generally easier to treat and has higher survival rates.
Less invasive treatments: can be treated with less invasive interventions or targeted therapies, rather than more extensive surgery or aggressive treatments, helping to preserve breast tissue.
Breast Cancer Statistics and Impact on the Latino Community
Breast cancer statistics highlight the importance of early detection.
According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime.
This emphasizes the importance of proactive measures and regular screening for all women, regardless of perceived risk.
When considering the prevalence of breast cancer among different communities, it is essential to examine several factors, such as genetics and lifestyle.
Some studies have suggested that certain subgroups within the Latino community may have higher rates of late-stage breast cancer diagnosis, which may result in worse outcomes.
Factors contributing to this disparity include limited access to care, language barriers, cultural beliefs, and lower screening rates.
To address these disparities, it is crucial to promote awareness, provide culturally sensitive education, and improve access to care for all communities.
Self-Examination and Breast Cancer in Men
Performing regular self-exams is a fundamental practice for breast cancer detection.
Report any abnormalities to a healthcare professional immediately, as early detection increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery.
Risk factors for male breast cancer include a family history of the disease, hormonal imbalances, obesity, and exposure to radiation or estrogen-related medications.
Early detection through self-exams, mammograms and medical checkups is crucial for effective treatment and better outcomes.
Breast cancer is a major health problem affecting millions of women worldwide.
It is crucial to prioritize early detection and take preventive measures to ensure successful treatment outcomes.
Our sources: Cancer, Cáncer síntomas, American College of Radiology.
The information contained on the My Health Fair website should not be construed as professional advice or medical recommendations.Readers should direct any questions regarding their personal health care to licensed physicians or other appropriate health care professionals.