Massachusetts Health Connector: access to quality medical care
Massachusetts Health Connector: population health services
“Massachusetts leads the nation in health care coverage, with more than 97% of about 7 million people covered.”
The Massachusetts Health Connector is the nation’s first and oldest public marketplace, established in 2006 to provide quality health care to individuals and small businesses.
It offers plans from the state’s leading insurers that have received the seal of approval, ensuring that plans meet state and national coverage standards.
Open enrollment season for medical insurance ends
The enrollment deadline is January 23, 2023, the time of year when Massachusetts residents are required by law to purchase, renew or change health insurance plans.
Anyone can come in to fill out an insurance form if their job does not offer insurance, if they have just moved, if they are unemployed, or if they want to change plans.

How do you know if you are eligible for the Massachusetts Health Connector?
The Massachusetts Health Connector offers a wide variety of low-cost insurance plans.
The main factor that determines eligibility for plans depends on annual income level and family size.
For example, families with an income of up to $80,000 may apply for ConnectorCare insurance, which are the lowest premium plans.
Visit MAhealthconnector.org/en or call 1-877-MA-ENROLL to find out if you are eligible, find advice in your language.
Updating data makes a difference
It is important to review and update the information you have reported in previous years: change in income, household size and/or address.
This information helps determine the level of financial assistance a person can receive to pay for their health insurance plan.
What are the benefits in 2023?
People who need health insurance can get coverage that offers comprehensive, high-quality benefits.
This includes new $0 copays for some chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, coronary artery disease and hypertension.
This change improves:
- Access to care.
- Reduces costs for Black, Hispanic, Native American and other communities affected by these health conditions.
- Improvements in coverage and cost-sharing for ConnectorCare members who receive outpatient mental health and substance use disorder services during primary care office visits.
- For the first time, some individuals who are on employer-sponsored family plan coverage can extend coverage for spouse and children through the Health Connector.
- The American Rescue Plan has been extended through 2025 and provides significantly increased financial support to pay insurance premiums through tax credits.
Personalized assistance in Spanish
Residents can get a health plan quote in less than 2 minutes by visiting the Health Connector online tool.
For individuals who need personalized assistance with coverage, there are 19 organizations in more than 30 locations that have trained and experienced staff ready to help complete an application and select a plan.
Local navigators can be found on the Health Connector website.
Individuals who have questions or need assistance can use the new Health Connector online chat service or call customer service at 888-MA-ENROLL for additional assistance.
Information on the My Health Fair website should not be construed as professional advice or medical recommendations.Readers should direct any questions regarding personal health care to licensed physicians or other appropriate health care professionals.
Sources: https://deadorkicking.com/death-statistics/us/massachusetts/2021/, https://www.cdc.gov/ , https://www.mahealthconnector.org/