27 ene

A Family Member with Dementia, How to Handle the Situation?

A family member with dementia? Probably you are looking for advice on what to do, here are some tips on how to handle the situation. Dementia is a general term

21 ene

Health care every day of the year

Health care is something we need to take care of every day of the year and not just when you have an illness. One of the purposes of Myhealthfair.com is

12 ene

Health Calendar 2023

The 2023 health calendar and global days offer great potential to increase awareness and understanding of health issues. In this way, support for action can be mobilized, from the local

11 ene

Massachusetts Health Connector: access to quality medical care

Massachusetts Health Connector: population health services “Massachusetts leads the nation in health care coverage, with more than 97% of about 7 million people covered.” The Massachusetts Health Connector is the

17 nov

How to prevent diabetes and how to control it

How to prevent diabetes is one of the biggest health issues today. Diabetes is a silent disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Uncontrolled cases can lead to blindness, kidney

13 nov

Diabetes and mental health: how to handle it

Diabetes and mental health: People with diabetes face discomforts that can vary depending on the particular characteristics of the disease. Many organizations, such as the American Diabetes Association, indicate that

8 nov

Diabetes in Children: Everything You Need to Know

Diabetes in children or diabetes mellitus is a serious metabolic disorder that prevents the body from breaking down and using food normally, especially sugars (carbohydrates). It can affect the heart,

3 nov

Diabetes Month: everything you need to know

November is National Diabetes Month and we want to dig deeper to help prevent this disease. Diabetes is the disease that occurs when blood sugar is too high; it currently

20 oct

Cancer in young people under 50: a global pandemic?

Cancer in young people or adults under 50 years of age has become an important issue that draws the attention of the health sector. Cancer in young people under 50

12 oct

Dana Farber Commemorates National Mammography Day

Dana Farber joins the commemoration of National Mammography Day and offers great tips that you can apply at once. At any age, it is essential to have a checkup and

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