Project Bread: effective solutions to improve Food Safety
Project Bread: why did it originate?
As people struggle to obtain food, we face a landscape of uncertainty and conflict in meeting a basic need: to eat.
This situation is known as food insecurity and conceptualizes the difficulty some people have, either temporarily or chronically, in obtaining sufficient quantities of safe and nutritious food to provide them with good health, harmony and overall well-being.
Who are the most affected by food insecurity?
While the increase in food insecurity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected residents of all backgrounds, the impact has been disproportionate for African American, Latino and multiracial households.
This represents a continuation of a pre-pandemic trend, showing a slower recovery compared to white households.
Over the past year, 29.5% of African American households with children and 26.9% of Latino households with children were food insecure, compared to 12.1% of White households with children.
What does Project Bread do?
Makes it easier for people to access and afford food with dignity: money for groceries, healthy meals for kids in their schools and throughout the summer.
An expert helps a child or teen explore their options for making ends meet, connecting people and communities in Massachusetts with reliable sources of food while advocating for policies that make food more affordable, so no one goes hungry.
Summer Eats Program
With the support of the Child Nutrition Outreach Program and Project Bread’s Summer Eats program, healthy summer meals and snacks are provided to children and teens (under 18) in Massachusetts.
It also offers programming days with activities for all ages, in different locations and without the need to register or identify oneself, allowing the integration of all communities.
Summer Eats delivered nearly 7,540,077 free meals in the summer of 2021, helping hundreds of families trying to make ends meet.
In doing so, we have successfully adapted our services and expanded our reach to new districts and organizations, sharing best practices to feed children and teens even more effectively.
What are the terms and conditions of the Summer Eats program?
- All Massachusetts children, ages 0-18, can receive free meals at any of the Summer Eats sites listed on the map.
- No registration is required, interested parties can go to the nearest location and receive a free meal, no one will ask for identification and no questions will be asked. For locations, visit the Project Bread website.
- The site does not need to be in the city where you live. The sites on the map are updated frequently, you can check the map to see what sites are available near you.
- Identification will not be required for a child or teen to receive free meals through Summer Eats at any of the sites listed on the map.
- Some sites include programming or activities for their participants in addition to providing free meals, please check with us for more information about activities at a particular site or contact or reach out to the organization or school district that operates the site you would like to attend.
- The exact meals served vary by site and are usually prepared by the sponsoring community organization. There may be a combination of breakfast, lunch, snack and/or dinner.
- All meals served through Summer Eats must meet nutrition standards set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, are provided with each meal.
- Picking up meals and taking them home is not permitted, children and teens must attend meal sites in person during established meal times, and must eat on site.
For more information, ask us!
Contact us at our FoodSource Helpline 1-800-645-8333, where we’ll provide free expert assistance to help you understand and access reliable food resources and federal nutrition programs.
You can also find out if you qualify for SNAP and help you apply, and where to find free meals for kids and local food programs. let’s chat!
Sources: Project Bread Annual Report 2021
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