27 may

Resources for Families with a Recent Autism Diagnosis

Autism is a complex condition that requires a multifaceted approach. With early diagnosis and access to proper resources and support, children with autism can lead fulfilling and satisfying lives. Mental

15 may

Discover the Power of Emotional Intelligence

During the broadcast of La Hora del Café del Mundo Boston in the segment Sin Salud Mental no hay Salud, Cristina Verboven, founder of the platform “Arréglese Mamita,” offered insights

13 may

The Hidden Crisis of Youth Mental Health in Massachusetts

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the challenges faced by a vulnerable portion of the population: young people and adolescents in terms of emotional well-being.

7 may

Conversations about Mental Health: Reflections and Expert Advice for Coping with Stress and Depression

Mental health is a fundamental aspect of our well-being, but it’s often overlooked in many conversations, especially within certain communities. In a society where stress, anxiety, and depression are increasingly

30 abr

Celebrating Senior Americans Month!

Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM). The 2024 theme is Powered by Connection, recognizing the profound impact that relationships and

25 abr

Connecting Senior Citizens to a Fulfilling Life: The Service Network in Massachusetts

The total population of Massachusetts increased from over 6.5 million in 2010 to just over 7 million, making it the fifteenth most populous state in the nation, with an estimated

15 abr

What is Options Counseling in Massachusetts and how can it benefit seniors and their caregivers?

Options Counseling in Massachusetts, is a valuable service available to adults over 60 years old, as well as their family members and caregivers. It is a process designed to help

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Welcome to the United Health Care booth!

We are thrilled to announce the addition of the United Health Care booth to our health fair, further enhancing the breadth of our service offerings to the community in Massachusetts.

4 abr

Senior Care Options (SCO) in Massachusetts

Are you seeking comprehensive healthcare options for yourself or a loved one in Massachusetts? Senior Care Options (SCO) offer a personalized approach to healthcare, specifically designed to meet individual needs

26 mar

Exploring Beyond the Table: The Importance of Nutrition and Environmental Sustainability

In the month of March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in the United States invites us to reflect on the relationship between our daily diet and the health of

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