Virtual Health Fair: How Does It Work?

Our virtual health fair is available for you and today we want to share with you the functionalities of this on-demand fair. My Health Fair aims to connect English and

Health care every day of the year

Health care is something we need to take care of every day of the year and not just when you have an illness. One of the purposes of is

Health Calendar 2023

The 2023 health calendar and global days offer great potential to increase awareness and understanding of health issues. In this way, support for action can be mobilized, from the local

Massachusetts Health Connector: access to quality medical care

Massachusetts Health Connector: population health services “Massachusetts leads the nation in health care coverage, with more than 97% of about 7 million people covered.” The Massachusetts Health Connector is the

Massachusetts Health Care Providers and Social Services

Who Are the Health Care Providers in Massachusetts? Get to know the health and social service providers in Massachusetts that are available in the state and that you can find

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): what is it?

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the most far-reaching federal nutrition assistance program in the United States. How the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Works The main purpose of SNAP

Food insecurity in Massachusetts: Project Bread advocates for policies with impact

Food Insecurity in Massachusetts: What Project Bread is Doing Prior to the Covid-19 crisis, 1 in 11 households and 1 in 9 children faced food insecurity. In March 2020 alone,

Food Assistance for Immigrants

The immigrant population is growing in Massachusetts and there is an increasing need to provide food assistance to those who do not have the resources to make ends meet. The

Food aid for Latinos in Massachusetts

If you need food assistance and you are a Latino in Massachusetts, this is for you! Massachusetts, one of the most prosperous states in the U.S., is home to more

Project Bread: effective solutions to improve Food Safety

Project Bread: why did it originate? As people struggle to obtain food, we face a landscape of uncertainty and conflict in meeting a basic need: to eat. This situation is

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